The Stanford Rapide Project


Evolutionary Development of Complex Systems using Rapide: Transaction Processing Case Study, Rapide Primer

This document presents concepts for formal modelling of distributed programs and uses Rapide to exemplify the modelling concepts. A formal model of distributed programs must include how a distributed program is composed of executable parts called components and how the components are composed to define the system's behavior. A system's set of components and behavior is called the system's architecture.

The behavior of the architecture is dependent upon how its components behave individually, and how the components communicate to one another. The behavior of a component defines the relationship between the input the component reacts to and the output the component generates. Communication between the components must be made through connections that define the relationship between the output communication a component generates and the input communication the other components receive.

A behavior definition can be expressed in two ways: as a constraint and as an executable specification. Executable specifications are procedural processes that receive input and generate output communication. Constraint specifications (or constraints) are declarative conditions on the executable specifications. Constraint and executable specifications may be used, not only to define but also to analyze an architecture.

Comparative analysis of an architecture can be performed formally if the executable and constraint specifications are also formal. Such analysis is useful for several reasons:

Conformance checking of architectures is performed by interpreting a system architecture, called the domain architecture, as if it were another architecture, called the range architecture. The interpretation maps executions of the domain architecture onto the ``universe'' of the range architecture to produce a range execution. This kind of mapping is especially useful when the range execution can be checked for conformance to the constraints of the range architecture. In this way, the domain architectures' executions can be checked for conformance to the range architecture's constraints.

Rapide will be used to illustrate these formal modelling concepts. Rapide is an object--oriented executable architecture description language designed for specifying and prototyping distributed, time--sensitive systems. It separates a component's interface specification, e.g., the constituents by which the component communicates with other components, from the component's executable specification, called its module. A Rapide architecture consists of a collection of interfaces, a collection of connections between the interfaces, and a set of formal constraints that define legal and illegal behavior.
An Interface Connection Architecture
Figure 1: A Rapide architecture (top layer) and system (all).

Figure 1 shows a system of modules connected together in an architecture. The shaded parallelograms represent interfaces, the thick lines represent connections and the boxes represent modules. The architecture is shown as the set of interfaces and connections; the system is shown as the set of modules wired together by the architecture.

The reader may imagine an architecture executing by communication flowing up from the modules to their interfaces, along the architecture connections to other interfaces, and down into the receiving modules, and so on. Each module and connection can execute independently and concurrently. The communication at each interface must satisfy the constraints in the interface, and the communication in the connections must satisfy the architecture's constraints.

Rapide's execution model is based upon partially ordered sets of events (posets). The partial orders used are time and potential causality between events. Briefly, when a Rapide architecture executes it generates a poset. When an event is generated, it can produce a reaction in the connections and modules. Modules and connections will typically await the generation of some events and some condition of the program's state associated with those events, and then react to them. A module or connection reacts by executing some code that may include modifications to the program's state and the generation of additional events. Modules and connections often cycle through waiting, reacting, and generating events many times. The generated poset is checked for violations of the interface and architectural constraints.

The system in Figure 1 (i.e., the interfaces, connections, and modules) differs from a program written using Ada packages or C++ classes in that the modules communicate only if there are connections between their interfaces. In Rapide the architecture can be defined before the modules are written. It is a framework for composing modules, and it also constrains the communication between the modules of the system.

The system in Figure 1 can be written in Rapide to support different analysis methods. It can be executable to allow simulation and animation of the behavior of the architecture. It can also be a purely constraint--based definition of the allowable behavior of the system. Thirdly, the constraint--based definition can be used to check the architecture's behavior, as well as an actual implementation's behavior, for conformance to the constraints.

The rest of this document describes the underlying formalism of Rapide as well as the interface constituents that may be used to communicate with other components. The first section will address the formal computational model that is based upon event processing. The next section describes how to declare constituents of component interfaces. The basis for the architectural connections, executable and constraint specifications is the event pattern language described in this section. How to connect the component interfaces together into architectures is addressed in this Section. The individual components (and therefore the architectures) are executable, and this section describes the constructs used to associate executable specifications with component interfaces. Section describes the constraint specifications that are compiled into runtime monitoring code. Finally, section addresses how to relate architectures to one another using event pattern mappings.

Event Processing

Event--based Semantics

Distributed program executions, especially the interactions between different components of programs, may be formally modelled with events or states. State--based approaches generally model program executions as sequences (or traces) of states, where the state of a program is defined as values given to the set of variables contained in the program. A trace of states represents the states of the program at successive points in time. Unfortunately, in state--based models, the interactions of the system are not obvious, and they have to be inferred from the changes in state.

In event--based approaches, such as Rapide, each event represents the occurrence of some activity within a program, e.g., an interaction between two components. Events are classified by actions and functions that define the kinds of activities that may occur during a distributed program's execution. Actions model asynchronous communication, and functions model synchronous communication between components. The execution of an action call will generate a single event, while a function's execution will generate two events, representing the call and return of the function. Thus, event--based models represent component interaction in a more natural and understandable manner than state--based models.

An event contains information such as the process and component generating the event, the name of the operation being invoked, and the data being passed.

The syntax for actions and functions is:

action_name_declaration ::= 
  action mode identifier
    `(' [ formal_parameter_list ] `)' `;'

mode ::= in | out

function_name_declaration ::=
  function identifier
    `(' [ formal_parameter_list ] `)' 
    [ return type_expression ] `;'
For example,
action in Write(value : Data);
function Read() return Data;
Commentary: This example illustrates action and function declarations. It declares a Write action that contains a formal parameter of type Data, denoted by value, and a Read function that contains no formal parameters. A Write event with a value of 5 is generated when a process makes a call to the declared action passing 5 as a parameter, e.g., Write(5). Note the use of the action mode, in, will be explained in the action parts subsection of the section on types.

Concurrency versus Interleaving

Historically, an event--based execution has been modelled as a trace of events where the events in the execution are totally ordered. Executions that are modelled as traces of events are deficient in that they cannot truly represent a concurrent occurrence of events. Such models do not distinguish concurrency from interleaving of events. For example, if two events, say A and B, are concurrent then the set of traces {AB, BA} (all the interleavings of A and B) represent the fact that A and B are concurrent. The same two traces also represent arbitrary non--deterministic interleaving of A and B. Thus, any system that must distinguish between concurrency and interleaving cannot be adequately modelled by trace models.

Pratt proposed models that can distinguish between concurrency and interleaving. These models are called event--based models with true concurrency. Instead of traces, these models are based upon partially ordered sets of events (or posets). Time is one such partial order. In time--based models, activities that occur before other activities are given lesser timestamps, while later activities are given greater timestamps. Concurrency is represented by sharing the same timestamp value.

Temporal poset models have a characteristic that make time an unpractical partial order for accurately representing concurrency; activities that are modelled with the same timestamp value may not have been concurrent. A single clock may produce timestamps that are not precise enough to distinguish concurrent from sequential activities. In this case, two events that are marked with the same timestamp value, may not have occurred concurrently. One may have represented an activity that preceded the other activity, but because the timestamp granularity was not fine enough, the two events were stamped with the same temporal value.

Additionally, distributed models may use more than one clock, each of whose timestamps are incomparable to the other clocks. In such situations, it is impossible to determine if events with incomparable timestamps actually occurred concurrently. Such a limitation usually leads the modeler to assume that incomparable timestamps implies concurrency.

Of course, a general solution to these two characteristics is to use one global, fine--grained clock. However, such a single, fine--grained clock model is not a practical starting point for representing distributed programs. Thus, a model of distributed programs that use only a temporal ordering, in general, is not an ideal choice, nor is it the only choices, to distinguish concurrency in distributed programs.

Another partial ordering used by Pratt to make the distinction between concurrency and interleaving is called causality. An event is caused by another if the first event could not have occurred without the occurrence of the second event. If there are two events that did not cause each other, they are said to be independent. Concurrency is defined to be causal independence in the poset, i.e., if two events occur independently in the causal partial order, they could have occurred concurrently in the execution.

It is best to use an event--based model that uses causality and time, since together these partial orders can naturally represent concurrency information between events that cannot be expressed by trace models. Additionally, the causal information is quite useful in analyzing program executions, and the causal dependency cannot be expressed in an obvious and understandable way using only traces, i.e., totally ordered sequences.

A partial order on a set S is an irreflexive, anti--symmetric and transitive relation « on the elements of S.

Note this document refers to the set on which the partial order relation is defined and the partial order relation, together, as a partial order. It will be clear from the context whether the relation or the set and the relation are meant.

A total order is a partial order that is also a total relation.

A total order on a set S is a partial order « on S such that if s_1 and s_2 are distinct elements in S then s_1 « s_2 or s_2 « s_1.

Causality based upon Dependency

Causal relationships between events are represented in Rapide by the dependency partial order. An event B depends on an event A, written (A -> B) if and only if: Less formally, if an event B depends on an event A, then A must occur before B. Alternatively, A causes B.

Rapide programs may contain multiple clocks, and a Rapide execution uses a separate temporal ordering to express timing between events with respect to each clock in the program. A consequence of the rules of time and dependency is that there is a consistency relation between the dependency order and temporal orders: an event cannot occur temporally earlier (by any clock) than an event that it depends on. Also, the various time orderings obey a consistency invariant: if event A temporally precedes event B for one clock, B cannot temporally precede A for another clock.

For example, please note the posets in Figures 2, 3 and 4 that respectively show for the same execution a timed poset, dependency poset, and a timed, dependency poset (the union of the timed and dependency posets).

A timed poset 
Figure 2: Timed poset.

Commentary: The example graphs in Figures 2, 3 and 4 illustrates that a timed, dependency poset is more expressive that either a timed poset or a dependency poset. In all of the graphs a labeled node represents the occurrence of an event at one of two sites; the nodes labeled with a number occur at site 1, and the nodes labeled with a letter occur at site 2. An arrow from one node to another represents dependency between the events, e.g., in Figure 3 event 2 depends on event 1.

In the timed posets the timestamps of the site 1's (2's) events is denoted by a label to the left (right) of and parallel to the event's associated node. Thus, event 1 occurs at time 1, events 2 and 3 occur at time 2, event a at time a, event b at time b, and event c at time c.

A dependency poset 
Figure 3: Dependency poset.

A Timed, dependency poset 
Figure 4: Timed, dependency poset.

The example models a distributed system where each site has its own clock, and time progresses in the figures top to bottom, e.g., site 1's event 1 is temporally earlier than site 1's events 2 and 3. Since events 2 and 3 are given the same timestamp, they are concurrent. Similarly, site 2's event a is earlier than site 2's event b that is again earlier than site 2's event c. Since the numbered timestamps and the alphabetic timestamps come from different clocks, they are incomparable.

In the timed poset, the dashed arrow emphasises the fact that the dependency occurring because site 1 (event 2) communicates with site 2 (event b), is not representable in a model that only has time.

In the dependency poset, the following can be deduced for the dependencies: event 1 causally precedes event 2 that precedes both events 3 and b, and event b precedes event c. Event a could have executed concurrently with all of the other events. In this poset, the thick arrow emphasises that the communication dependency that was not representable in the timed poset is represented in this model.

In the timed, dependency poset, all of the previous information could have been determined. However, we are still unable to determine whether event 1 and event a occurred concurrently.

Interface Types

The interface type of a component consists of the set of constituents by which the component communicates with other components. An interface type has seven kinds of declarative regions -- Declarations may be names of types, names of modules or names of functions, and they associate a type with the identifier, but do not give an implementation.

Interface types are declared using the following syntax:

type_declaration ::=
  type identifier is interface_expression `;'

interface_type_expression ::=
  interface { interface_constituent }
    [ behavior behavior_declaration ]
  end [ interface ] [ identifier ]

interface_constituent ::=
    provides { interface_declarative_item }
  | requires { interface_declarative_item }
  | action { action_name_declaration }
  | private { interface_declarative_item }
  | service { service_declarative_item }
  | constraint { pattern_constraint_list}
All modules of an interface type must contain types, modules, and functions matching the declarations in the provides part, and these types, modules, and functions are visible, which means that they may be referred to outside the module. The constituents of a requires part are names of components that are visible to the module but are not contained within it. Those requires components are assumed to be contained within another external module. The constituents of a private part are only visible and used within modules of the interface type.

Action Part of an Interface

A description of an action's semantics was explained in the section on event--based semantics. The constituents of an action part may be used by any component in the system. Exactly how is dependent upon the mode of the action. Out actions declare the types of events the component may generate and thereby send to other components, while in actions are used by other components to send events of the action type into the component.

The Other Parts of an Interface

The service, constraint and behavior parts of interfaces are discussed later in this document on interface types.

Interface Example

For example,
type Data_Object is
      Read  : function() return Data;
      Write : function(d : Data);
end interface Data_Object;
Commentary: This example illustrates the use of provides constituents of an interface type. The interface type Data_Object contains two name declarations, Read and Write. Components of type Data_Object must contain actual objects (functions) with these names that other components may also use. Note that this interface has no requires or private parts.

Interface Type Constructors

Interface type constructors are templates for interface types. The templates contain slots into which type and object expressions may be placed to obtain a type expression. Type constructors are defined using type constructor declarations, and their ``instantiation'' to a type expression is called a type--constructor application.

For example,

type Data_Object_TC
      (type Data;
       init_val : ref(Data) is nil(Data))
    type Call_Type is
      enum Action_t, Function_t end enum;
      Read  : function() return Data;
      Write : function(d : Data);
      in  Read_call();
      out Read_retn(value : Data);
      in  Write_call(value : Data);
      out Write_retn();
        Read(c : Call_Type; value : Data;
             version : Integer);
        Write(c : Call_Type; value : Data;
              version : Integer; initial : Boolean);
end interface Data_Object_TC;
Commentary: This example illustrates the use of type constructors. Data_Object_TC is a type constructor. It has one type parameter Data that can be replaced by any type during application. A second, optional parameter init_val may be replaced by any reference to an object of the Data type. Data_Object_TC contains eight name declarations. The provides functions, Read and Write, will be associated with bodies defined by components whose type is constructed by an application of Data_Object_TC. Similarly, these components, whose type is constructed by an application of Data_Object_TC, must also define in actions, Read_call and Write_call, and they may generate the out actions, Read_retn and Write_retn. The private actions, Read and Write, are defined by and may only be used by Data_Object_TC components.

Note the Read and Write functions are not associated with the similarly named actions (Read_call, Read_retn, Write_call and Write_retn) by the semantics of functions and actions in the Rapide language.

Data Object Model

Since the Data_Object_TC type constructor will be the subject of all of the rest of the examples given in this document, we will give a brief description of the model of data objects for which it was designed. Data objects are entities that store data values, e.g., memory or variables in computer programming languages. Without loss of generality data objects can be modelled with a basis of only two kinds of operations, reads and writes. A read operation returns the value of the object, while a write operation supplies a new value for the object. An object goes through a sequence of ``versions'' as it is written and read by the operations. We distinguish between version and value, because during an object's lifetime it may have the same value but never the same version. Reads do not change the object version, but each time an object is written it gets a new, unique version. Thus, each object has a version generated at the time of the write operation as a part of it's value.
Two Reads Example
Figure 5: This example shows two reads of version ver1 on the object by two modules that use the same data object.
Read > Write Example
Figure 6: This example shows the READ-> WRITE dependency; the write of version ver2 on the object occurs after version ver1 is read.
Write > Write Example
Figure 7: This example shows the WRITE-> WRITE dependency; the write of version ver3 on the object after the write of version ver2.
Write > Read Example
Figure 8: This example shows the WRITE-> READ dependency; the read of version ver2 on the object occurs after version ver2 is written.
Read and write operations are represented in Rapide's poset--based execution model as pairs of events, a call and a return event. Thinking in terms of this model suggests a data flow graph, fragments of which are shown in Figures 5--8. The figures show the four possible executions of two operations operating on versions of an object. These executions exhibit dependencies between the read and write operations. Figure 5 depicts that there are no READ-> READ dependencies. This is because operations reading the same version of an object create no depencency on one another. Only write operations create versions and dependencies. Another subtle point is the READ-> WRITE dependency case, depicted in Figure 6. That dependency states that the Read read the object before the Write altered the object. Contrast Figure 6 with Figure 8 where the read reads after the write producing a WRITE -> READ dependency.

In a single--version semantic model, every read returns the value last written. Multiversion models provide increased concurrency by allowing multiple versions of an object to coexist; old versions of an object can still be read after a new version is written. This is exemplified in Figure 8. The value returned by the read in the figure is val2 which represents the single--version semantics. The multiversion semantics would allow the value returned to be either val2 or val1, the version before the write.

Pattern Language

When a Rapide program is executing, the program's computation consists of the timed, dependency poset and the state of the program's variables. Computations are specified using pattern specifications (or patterns) that are an extension of regular expressions to specify posets instead of sequences of events. Each pattern defines a set of posets and state, called its instances. The process of recognizing whether a poset is an instance of a pattern is called pattern matching.

This section informally defines pattern specifications and gives examples of pattern specifications and operators. The formal definition of the pattern language may be found in the Patterns LRM.

Patterns may be constructed using the following syntax:

pattern ::= 
  |  `(' pattern `)'
  |  empty() | @ | any()
  |  pattern binary_pat_op pattern
  |  pholder_decl_list pattern
  |  `[' iterator_expression rel binary_pat_op `]'
  |  pattern where boolean_expression
  |  pattern_macro

binary_pat_op ::=
  `->' | `||' | or | and | `~' | `<=>'

iterator_expression ::= `*' | `+' | expression

Basic Patterns

A basic pattern is simply the name of an action, with optional parameter associations. A basic pattern specifies a set of posets, each of which is a single event labeled by the action with the given parameters.

For example,

Commentary: This example illustrates the use of basic patterns. The pattern is only matched by Read_retn events whose first parameter is equal to the object ``o.''


There are three pattern constants, empty(), @ and any(). The empty() pattern is matched only by the empty poset, the poset that consists of zero events. The @ pattern is matched by any single event; that is, by any poset that consists of one event. The any() pattern is matched by any non-empty pattern; that is, by any poset that consists of at least one event.

Composite Patterns

Composite patterns are pattern expressions built from smaller patterns; while basic patterns are always matched by exactly one event, composite patterns may potentially be matched by any number of events. The binary pattern operation `->' on patterns is called the dependent combinator, `|>' is called the immediately dependent combinator, `||' is called the independent combinator, `or' is called the disjunction combinator, `and' is called the conjunction combinator, `~' is called the disjoint conjunction combinator, and `<=>' is called the equivalent conjunction combinator.

Informal semantics for each combinator is given below.

For example,
Read_call -> Read_retn(o)
Commentary: This example illustrates the use of dependent composite patterns. The pattern is only matched by a poset consisting of two events, a Read_call and a Read_retn event whose first parameter is equal to the object ``o.'' They are ordered in the poset, with the Read_call event causally preceding the Read_retn event.


Patterns may contain occurrences of placeholders. There are two kinds of placeholders: universal and existential. Placeholders beginning with ``?'' are called existential placeholders because of their similarity to the logical quantifier exists. Existential placeholders represent ``holes'' in the patterns, where any value that is of the type the placeholder was defined may fit.

Placeholders beginning with ``!'' are called universal placeholders because of their similarity to the logical quantifier forall. Universal placeholders are used in representing multiple instances of the pattern in which they occur, one instance for each object in the type of the universal placeholder. The operator in the universal placeholder declaration indicates the relationship the instances of the subpatterns have with each other. Placeholders may be declared in a pattern by giving a list of placeholder declarations, followed by a pattern.

The syntax of a placeholder declaration and placeholder declaration list is:

pholder_decl_list ::=
  `(' pholder_decl { `;' pholder_decl } `)'

pholder_decl ::= 
    identifier { `,' identifier } : expression
  | identifier : expression by operator
A poset C matches the pattern (?i : T) P(?i) if there exists an object o whose type is (or is a subtype of the type) defined by the expression T such that P(o) is matched by C. A poset C matches the pattern (!i : T by op) P(!i) if, where L = [o_1, o_2, ...] is the list of objects whose type is (or is a subtype of the type) defined by the expression T and poset C matches P(o_1) op P(o_2) op .... Placeholder declarations may appear within patterns so the replacement can be restricted to subpatterns.

For example,

(!d : Integer range 1..10 by ->) Write_call(!d)
Commentary: This example illustrates the use of universal placeholders. The universal placeholder !d is defined with respect to the binary pattern operator ->. This pattern is matched by a poset that contains ten totally ordered Write_call events, where each event's parameter, the universal placeholder !d, has a value in the integer range 1..10, and there is exactly one event for each value in the range.


An iteration pattern has the following syntax:
`[' iterator_expression rel binary_pat_op `]' pattern
where iterator_expression is one of *, +, or n. Such a pattern is matched by iterator_expression, * (zero or more), + (one or more), and n (exactly n), matches of P, each match being related to the others by binary_pattern_operator.

For example,

[* rel ~] Read_retn
Commentary: This example illustrates the use of iteration patterns. This pattern is matched by zero or more distinct Read_retn events. A poset consisting of three Read_retn events would actually contain eight matches for this pattern: one of size zero (the empty poset), three of size one, three of size two, and one of size three.

Pattern Macro

Pattern macros can be used to abstract and parameterize a pattern, and to define new operations on patterns. The syntax for defining pattern macros is:
pattern_macro ::=
  pattern identifier `(' [ macro_parameter_list ] `)'
    is pattern `;'

macro_parameter_list ::=
  macro_parameter { `;' macro_parameter }

macro_parameter ::=
  | pattern identifier_list
Pattern macros serve several purposes. They may act as reusable patterns to be used in more than one location. They also simplify patterns by breaking them up into smaller units. Recursive macros allow the definition of patterns that are otherwise inexpressible. Finally, new pattern operators can be defined using macros (see the section on timing operators).

For example,

pattern Ticks() is Tick -> Ticks();
Commentary: Assume Tick is an action name. The pattern ``Ticks'' is an instance of the above macro. It describes an infinite chain of ordered Tick events. Pattern macros permit the description of infinite poset that are otherwise inexpressible. Iteration can only describe finite, though arbitrarily large poset.

Timing Operators

The timing operators are predefined macros that allow patterns to refer to the time at which events are generated. All timing operators can be defined in terms of a single basic timing operator, during, that is not otherwise expressible in the language. The pattern during(P, t1, t2, clk), where P is a pattern, t1 and t2 are of type Integer, and clk is of type Clock, is matched by a poset C such that (1) C matches P, and (2) all events in C are related to clk, and (3) t1 is the minimum (earliest) clk.Start value of, and t2 is the maximum (latest) clk.Finish value of any event in C. The During pattern macro declaration is:
pattern during(pattern P; T1,T2 : Integer; C : Clock ).
The other temporal pattern operators are defined as:
pattern at(pattern P; T : Integer; C : Clock) is
pattern before(pattern P; T : Integer; C : Clock) is
    (?F, ?L : Integer) during(P,?F,?L,C)
    where ?L <= T;
pattern after(pattern P; T : Integer; C : Clock) is 
    (?F, ?L : Integer) during(P,?F,?L,C)
    where ?F >= Time;
pattern within(pattern P; T : Integer; C : Clock) is
    (?F, ?L : Integer) during(P,?F,?L,C)
    where (?L-?F <= T);
pattern within(pattern P; T1, T2 : Integer; C : Clock) is
    (?F, ?L : Integer) during(P,?F,?L,C)
    where T1 <= ?L-?F and ?L-?F <= T2;
pattern ``<''(pattern P1, P2; C : Clock) is 
    (?F, ?L, ?F2, ?L2 : Integer)
    during(P1,?F,?L,C) ~ during(P2,?F,?L,C)
    where ?L1 < ?F2;
For convenience, an infix shorthand is defined for the timing macros. Any timing macro of the form op(P,T1,T2,C) may be written as P op(T1,T2) by C, and op(P,T,C) may be written as P op T by C. If the clock C is omitted, the default clock is used.

For example,

Read_call < Read_retn
Commentary: This example illustrates the use of the less than pattern operator that is defined by a pattern macro. The pattern is only matched by a poset consisting of two events, a Read_call and a Read_retn event. They are ordered in the poset, with the Read_call event temporally preceding the Read_retn event.

Guarded Patterns

Context may be determined by the use of guards. A match of pattern P where guard occurs when the poset matches P and the boolean expression guard is true. References to state in guard refer to their values when the last event participating in the match of P is generated.

For example,

Read_call where state_value = 0
Commentary: This example illustrates the use of a guarded pattern. The pattern is only matched by Read_call events that are generated when the value of state_value is equal to zero.


Architectures declare component interfaces and connections between requires and provides constituents of component interfaces. Architectures may also declare formal constraints that define legal and illegal patterns of communication among the component interfaces. Components are modules that can generate and receive events as well as call and execute functions. As a result of a connection, (i) events generated by one component cause events to be received at another component, or (ii) functions called by one component are executed by another component. In this way, architectures define dataflow and synchronization between components using only their interfaces.

An architecture is a template for a family of systems. As an analogy, architectures can be viewed as printed circuit boards in which interfaces play the role of sockets into which component chips can be plugged, and connections play the role of wires between the sockets. Components communicate only if there are connections between their interfaces. Note: This notion of communication integrity is not enforced by the semantics of Rapide but rather via a particular style of writing Rapide programs. Thus, Rapide architectures are communication networks, defined independently of actual implementations. An architecture is declared in Rapide using the following syntax:

architecture_declaration ::= 
  architecture identifier `(' [ parameter_list ] `)'
      [ return interface_expression ]
      [ module_constituent_list ] 
      [ connect { connection } ]
    end [ architecture ] [ identifier ] `;'

connection ::= 
    pattern connector pattern `;' 
  | other kinds of pattern connections ...

connector ::= `to' | `=>' | `||>'


Components are active modules, active in the sense that they can receive and generate events, make function calls, execute functions, as well as contain other active and passive modules. As a stylistic rule but not a language restriction, neither active modules nor references to active modules can be passed as a parameter of an action or function call. This restriction ensures communication integrity. Active modules only communicate through their interfaces.

Components can themselves be architectures. This provides a simple capability to develop a hierarchically structured architecture rather than one flat communication structure. When an interface in an architecture is associated with a module or another architecture, the resulting architecture is called an instance of the original one. The second (sub)module's interface or (sub)architecture's return interface expression must conform to (be a subtype of) the component interface it is being associated with. If omitted, the return interface expression of an architecture is the empty interface, called Root. Figure 1 depicted a fully instantiated architecture in which each interface has been associated with a module.


Whenever an event is generated and its associated action is a constituent of a component interface's provides part, that event will be tested to see if it matches any of the architecture's connection rules. If the event matches a connection's left--hand side (a pattern), the connection will trigger, causing the events on the right--hand side of the connection to be generated at another component interface's requires part.

Similarly for functions, if a function is called and the function was declared as a constituent of a component interface's requires part, that function call will be compared will the architecture's connection rules. If the function call matches a connection's left--hand side, the connection will trigger, causing the function on the right--hand side to be called. The returned value from the right--hand side's call will be passed back to the original left--hand side's call as its return value. A component's requires function calls will be aliased to some other component's provides functions. Thus, connections define a flow of events and remote function calls between components.

A crucial point is that any connection only depends upon the interfaces of component modules of a system, and not upon the actual modules that might be implementing those interfaces. A connection can also relate events generated at the interface of the architecture to events at its components' interfaces, and conversely -- thus defining dataflow into and out of the architecture. If an architecture contains more than one connection, they will all trigger and execute concurrently.

Basic Pattern Connections

The simplest kind of connection relates two basic patterns. When an event matches the left--hand side basic pattern, the right--hand side will be executed. In this case the right--hand side is also a basic pattern. The execution of the right--hand side consists of generating the event matching to the right--hand side basic pattern. If this pattern does not contain parameters of the action, then the parameters of the triggering event are taken as default parameters of the action call expression.

Depending on the kind of connector used, e.g., basic, pipe or agent, the relationship between the events generated may vary. If the connector is basic (denoted by to) the generated event is causally and temporally equivalent to the event that matched the left--hand side. The pipe connection (denoted by =>) will result in the generated event causally following the triggering event, and causally following all events generated by previous executions of the connection. An agent connection (denoted by ||>) will also result in the generated event causally following the triggering event, but the connection doesn't causally relate the generated event to the events generated by previous executions of the connection.

For example,

connect AP.Read_call to Obj.Read_call;
Commentary: This example illustrates the use of a basic connection. The left--hand side of the connection is a basic pattern that is only matched by Read_call events generated by the AP component. When such a match triggers the connection, a Read_call event will be generated and made available to the Obj component.

Function Connections

A requires function in one interface may be connected to a provides function in another interface. For example,
connect AP.Write to Obj.Write;
Commentary: This example illustrates the use of function connections. The functions are declared in the interfaces of AP and Obj. The functions must be type-compatible. This connection has the effect that whenever AP calls its requires function Write, the call is executed as a call to Obj's provides function with the same arguments; the return values are returned to AP as the result if its call.

Patterns in Connections

An architecture is not restricted to a static hardware paradigm. The use of patterns in connections provides a powerful feature for specifying both static and dynamic architectures. A static architecture has a fixed number of components and the conditions under which they communicate do not vary -- the printed circuit board example. A dynamic architecture may contain varying numbers of components and the conditions under which they communication can also vary -- a distributed transaction processing system is an example of a dynamic architecture, since it may have varying numbers of resources and communication conditions. Often, communication between sets of components in a system can be specified using a single Rapide connection.

For example:

connect (?D : Data) AP.Write_call(?D) to Obj.Write_call(?D);
Commentary: This example illustrates the use of patterns in connections. A requires action of the AP is connected to a provides action of the Obj. The syntax (?D : Data) declares the type of objects (Data) that may be bound to the placeholder ?D. In general, a pattern may be prefixed by a list of these placeholder declarations. The connection defines event flow between the AP and Obj; whenever the AP generates a Write_call event then the Obj will receive a causally and temporally equivalent Write_call event with the same data.

For example:

connect (?A : AP; ?D : Data) ?A.Write_call(?D)
  to [ !O : Data_Object_TC rel || ] !O.Request_Receive(?D);
Commentary: The connection connects every AP to every Data_Object_TC. The connection triggers whenever any application program generates a Write_call event and results in generating Write_call events with the same Data (?D) at every module that is a subtype of Data_Object_TC. Each data object's Request_Receive event is dependent upon the application program's Write_call event, but is independent of any of the other data object's Request_Receive events.

Service Connection

Often related constituents in an interface can be grouped into disjoint sets. For example, a transaction manager in the X/Open DTP industry standard has a set of constituents for interacting with applications (the TX set) and another set for interacting with resource managers (the XA set). Interface constraints relate members within a set, but the two sets are almost entirely independent. It is convenient to structure such interfaces into separate sets of constituents so that it is clear how interface constraints apply. But more importantly, this structuring of the interfaces can be used to define large numbers of connections correctly in large architectures.


Complex interfaces can be structured into related sets of constituents called services. Services provide the ability to encapsulate a related set of constituents of the enclosing interface and to allow large numbers of connections between components to be defined by a single connection rule.

The syntax for services is:

service_declaration_item ::=
  basic_name_list `:' [ dual ] interface_type_expression `;'
type Resource is
  interface service DO : Data_Object_TC(Integer);
end interface Resource;
The DO service in the Resource interface denotes all of the actions, functions and nested services (if any) constructed from applying Integer to the Data_Object_TC type constructor. To name them, the name ``DO'' is appended with the usual ``.'' notation before the name of the constituent. If the service were dual, the same constituents would be denoted except that the modes of the service's constituents are reversed; provides (requires) functions become requires (provides) functions, and in (out) actions become out (in) actions.

Service Connection

An architecture can connect together dual services in component interfaces. Such a connection denotes sets of basic connections, one for each constituent in the service. A service and a dual service of the same type may be connected together since they have complimentary provides and requires constituents.

For example,

type Application is
    service DO : dual Data_Object_TC(Integer);
end interface Application;

architecture DTP_Architecture() is
    A : Application;
    RM : Resource;
    A.DO to RM.DO;
end architecture DTP_Architecture;
Commentary: Here the dual DO services of an Application and a Resource are connected by a single rule. This connection denotes the following set of basic connections between each pair of constituents with the same name in the two services:
A.DO.Read to RM.DO.Read;
A.DO.Write to RM.DO.Write; 
P.DO.Read_call() to RM.DO.Read_call(); 
(?i : Integer) RM.DO.Read_retn(?i) to A.DO.Read_retn(?i);
(?i : Integer) A.DO.Write_call(?i) to RM.DO.Write_call(?i);
RM.DO.Write_retn() to A.DO.Write_retn();

Service Set Connection

A service set declaration declares a set of services of the enclosing interface, each of which has the type of the interface expression (or its dual). Each service of the set can be named by indexing the service set name with a literal of the range or enumeration type used as the service set index. The syntax for a service set is:
service_set_declaration ::=
  basic_name_list `(' { service_set_index } `)'
  `:' [ dual ] interface_type_expression `;'
Service sets are connected to other services using connection generators. The syntax for connection generators is:
connection_generator ::=
    generation_scheme generate connection
      end [ generate ] [ ( if | for ) ] `;'

generation_scheme ::=
    if expression
  | for expression in expression next expression
  | for identifier `:' type_expression in expression
For example,
type Application_Program(NumRMs : Integer) is
    service Rsrcs(1..NumRMs) : dual Data_Object_TC(Integer);
end interface Application_Program;

architecture DTP_Architecture(NumRMs : Integer) is
    AP : Application_Program(NumRMs); 
    Rs : array[Integer] of Resource;
    for i : Integer in 1..NumRMs genereate 
      AP.Rsrcs(i) to Rs[i].AP; 
    end genereate;
end architecture DTP_Architecture;
Commentary: This example illustrates the expressive power of service sets and service set connections. The application program interface type constructor has a set of NumRMs dual data object services for communication with the resources labeled Rsrcs, and Rsrcs(i) is the ith data object service in the set. The architecture connects the application program AP to the array of resources Rs with a connection generator.


Modules are defined by a set of processes (possibly empty) that observe events and react to them by executing arbitrary code that in turn may generate new events. Modules are a general construct for encapsulating the implementation of a component. Consequently, modules can be either values of a ``small'' passive type such as Integer or values of a ``large'' active type such as a multi--threaded subsystem. A module must define the provides constituents of its interface and may define additional constituents, called internal constituents, not found in its interface. These internal constituents may themselves be other modules (or children). Rapide defines the conformance rules (by means of interface types and constraints) that determine which modules may be associated with which interfaces.


A process is an independently executing single thread of control. Processes are constructed from sequential statements, including action calls that generate events and reactive statements that react to events. Since processes are single--threaded, each event a process generates is dependent on the preceding event generated by the process. Thus, all events generated by a process form a total dependency ordering. The syntax of processes is:
process ::= statement_list | generate_statement
For example,
for I : Integer in 1..NumObjs do
end do;
Commentary: This process consists of a single for statement. It makes Write_calls to several DO service set members, and then terminates. The Write_calls are all causally related in a total order.

Event Generation, Availability and Observation

The rules for event communication are given in the Executable Language Reference Manual which describes the process of event generation, availability and observation in detail. In summary, at run--time Rapide processes generate events, and after generation an event immediately becomes available to other behaviors, modules, their processes or connections. Once an event becomes available, it can then become observed and unavailable to a process after it has participated in the triggering of that process, see the section on triggers).

Events are generated by a behavior or process through performing of action, function and patterns calls. The order of event generation is consistent with the causal and temporal orders. When an event is generated, it is immediately made available of that process. to other processes or connections. Constituents whose events are available to a process of a particular module are as follows: the in, private and internal actions of the module, and the out actions of constituent modules of the module.

Events are observed by a behavior, module, or process one at a time in some total order that is consistent with the causal and temporal orders. All processes share a consistent observation order. Also, a consistency relation holds between the observation and dependency orders, called the orderly observation principle: events are observed by a process one by one in some total order that is consistent with the dependency partial order.

Timing Clause Statements

The generation of an event may be delayed for some time period after the execution of an action call statement via a timing clauses. As stated before in the section on concurrency versus interleaving, time is modelled in Rapide as a partial order; activities that occur before other activities are given lesser timestamps, while later activities are given greater timestamps, and (possibly) concurrent activities are given the same timestamp.

The purpose of a timing clause is to model activities that have duration or occur some time in the future. Therefore, an event, which models a particular activity, has two timestamps: its start and finish times. A timing clause modifies the generation of an event by determining the start and finish timestamps.

A Rapide clock is a monotonically increasing counter. The rate at which it increases is not related to any physical unit, but rather is controlled by the program execution. This kind of clock provides what is oftern referred to as simulation time, as opposed to real--time. A clock's counter value is a timestamp, and an increase in time is referred to as a tick. A clock ticks when there are no more events to be generated with the current timestamp. A single Rapide architecture may contain multiple clocks, and an event may be timed with respect to one or more clocks.

The syntax for timing clauses is:

timing_clause ::=
    action_call pause timing_expression
  | action_call delay timing_expression
  | action_call in timing_expression

timing_expression ::= expression | type_expression
A timing clause may only be applied to action calls, and it must include an expression. The timing expression may denote a single object or type. When an object is given, the object must be of type C.Ticks(Integer), and if a type is used, then it must be a subtype of C.Ticks, where C is called the named clock of the timing clause.

Timing clauses that use pause t will slow the execution of the action call for t ticks of the clock. That is, if the action call begins with the named clock's current counter value is n, then the call will complete when the counter value is n+t. The event will be generated and made available at timestamp n+t, and the start timestamp of the event will be n, while the finish timestamp will be n+t. Thus, the pause timing clause can be used to model the occurrences of activities that have duration.

A delayed action call is equivalent to the same call, substituting delay for pause, with the following exception. The action call will generate an event e with start timestamp n and finish timestamp n+t, and any event that is or becomes available to the process at timestamp s relative to the named clock, where n \leq s \leq n+t, will never be observed by the process executing the timing clause.

Timing clauses that use in t schedule the generation of the event for t ticks in the future. The start and finish timestamp of the event will both be n+t. If any of the timing clauses is parameterized with a value that is less than or equal to zero, it is equivalent to the same call without a timing clause. If a type expression is given, then it must be a subtype of C.Ticks for some clock C. Such a timing clause specifies an arbitrary value in the range of the type expression. That is an arbitray value in the range is selected, and if the range is empty, the predefined exception Timing_Error is raised.

For example,

Write_retn() in C.Ticks range 1..3;
Commentary: This example statement schedules the generation of a Write_retn event 1, 2 or 3 ticks (non--deterministically chosen) in the future.

Note: Timed statements are very similar to timing clauses and enable a module to allow time to pass without generating an event. The effect of executing a timed statement is the same as executing an action call with an identical timing clause, except that no event is generated. The syntax for timed statements is:

timed_statement ::=
    pause timing_expression `;' 
  | delay timing_expression `;'

Reactive Statements

Reactive statements are used to respond to events observed by a process. The syntax of the reactive statements is:
await_stmt ::=
  await pattern [ `=>' { stmt } pattern_choices
    end [ await ] ] `;'

pattern_choices ::= { or pattern_choice }

pattern_choice ::= pattern `=>' { stmt }

when_stmt ::= when pattern do stmt_list end when `;'
The fundamental reactive statement is the await statement; the when statement is a commonly used form of the await statement that has a special syntax. An await statement includes one or more patterns that may be matched by observed events; when a match of a pattern is observed, a (possibly null) body of statements associated with that pattern, called its alternative, is executed. If more than one pattern is matched by the observed events, an arbitrary choice is made among the alternatives. The match of the pattern chosen is said to trigger the execution of its alternative. The scope of placeholders in an await statement's pattern extends to its alternative. One can think of an await statement alternative as a parameterized list of statements, such that upon observing a triggering match, an instance of the alternative is execution, where the placeholder occurrences in the alternative have been replaced by the substituting values determined in matching.

For example,

  Read_call =>
    Read(Action_t, $val, $ver) <=> Read_retn($val);
  (?v : Data) [ * rel ~ ] Read_retn ~ Write_call(?v) =>
    val := ?v; 
    ver := $ver + 1; 
    Write(Action_t, $val, $ver, False) <=> Write_retn();
end await;
Commentary: This example consists of one await statement. In brief, the above statement waits for either a single, available and observed Read_call event or any number of available and observed Read_retn events and a Write_call event. If the Read_call event triggers, then a Read and a Read_retn event will be generated. The values of the parameters will be determined by dereferencing the (assumed) global val and ver reference objects. If the Read_retn and Write_call events trigger, then the two state assignments will be executed and a Write and a Write_retn event will be generated. The value assigned to val in the first assignment is equal to the value given the Write_call event that was bound in matching the pattern.

When statements are a special syntactic form of await statements; they model ``rules'' that fire repeatedly upon observation of a triggering match. The following when statement:

when pattern do stmt_list end when `;'
is equivalent to:
loop do await pattern => stmt_list end await `;' end loop `;'
For example,
when (?v : Data) [* rel ~] Read_retn ~ Write_call(?v) do
  val := ?v;
  ver := $ver + 1;
  Write(Action_t, $val, $ver, False) <=> Write_retn();
end when;
Commentary: This example consists of one when statement. It repeatedly waits for any number of available and observed Read_retn and a Write_call event, performs two state assignments, and generates a Write and a Write_retn event in response to them.


When a process needs to match a pattern before it can continue processing, the process will look through its pool of available, observed events to find such a match. Upon finding such a match, the process is said to be triggered, and the events that participated in the triggering are then unavailable to that process. If no match is found, the process is blocked until one is found. If the triggering process finds more than one match in the pool, three relations on the matches are used to select one: A consistent cut of < is a partial order <\prime on S\prime such that S\prime \subseteq S, <\prime \subseteq <, and e\prime \in S\prime \wedge e \in S \wedge e < e\prime -> e \in S\prime.

For modules (see the section on module constructors), the earliest, maximal match (with that priority) among the pool will be used, and for behaviors (see the section on module behaviors), the first, earliest, maximal is used. If given all these rules, there more than one match, an arbitrary choice is made.

Module Constructor

Modules are generally created using a module generator. A module generator declares a function that returns a unique module every time it is called. Each call to the generator will generate a new module. The syntax for module generators is:
module_generator ::= 
  module identifier `(' [ parameter_list ] `)'
      [ return interface_expression ] is
    [ module_declaration_list ]
    [ constraint module_pattern_constraint_list ] 
    [ connect module_connection_list ]
    [ initial module_statement_list ]
    [ ( parallel | serial )
      process { `||' process } ]
    [ final module_statement_listend [ module ] [ identifier ] `;'
For example,
module Simple(type Data; init : ref(Data) is nil(Data))
  return Data_Object(Data,init) is 
    val   : var Data; 
    ver   : var Integer := 0;
    Read  : function() return Data is
               return $val; 
            end function Read;
    Write : function(value : Data) is
               val := value;
               ver := $ver + 1;
            end function Write;
    (?v : Data) Read(Action_t,?v) to Read_retn(?v);
    (?v : Data; ?u : Integer)
      Write(Action_t,?v,?u,False) to Write_retn();
    if not ( init.Is_Nil() ) then
      val := $init;
    end if;
    when Read_call do Read(Action_t,$val,$ver); end when;
    when (?v : Data) [* rel ~] Read_retn ~ Write_call(?v) do
      val := ?v;
      ver := $ver + 1;
    end when;
end module Simple;
Commentary: This example illustrates a module generator for the Data_Object_TC interface type declared in the section on type constructors. Simple defines two local variables, val and ver, that are not visible outside of this module generator. It also defines two functions that were declared provides in its interface. Functions can generate events as well as return values, and in this case, the functions generate events that are private -- because the associated actions were defined private in the interface.

Simple defines two connections. The first connection will generate a Read_retn event (via an out action call) every time a private Read event with an action_t Call_type is generated. Similarly, the other connection generates Write_retn events when Write events are generated.

When a module is initialized just after being created by an application of the module generator Simple, the module will test whether it has been given an initial value (init). If it has (init will not be Nil), the initial value will be store in the local variable val and a private Write event signifying this occurrence will be generated.

During execution the module may receive Read_call and Write_call events. Upon observing a Read_call event, the module will generate a private Read event, and upon observing a Write_call event, the module will update its local variables representing its value and version and generate a private Write event.
An Execution of a Module Constructed from Simple.
Figure 9: An Execution of a Module Constructed from Simple.

A possible execution of a module generated from an application of Simple is given in Figure 9. This execution features the execution of an application that initially issues a Read_call event. These requests were observed by the data object after the initial part of the object was executed and generated the Write(function_t,init_val,0,True) event. The data object's processing of the Read_call event causes the generation of a Read and a Read_retn event. Upon receiving the Read_retn event, the example application generates a Write_call and two more Read_call events. The data object observes and processes the events in the following order: i) one of the Read_call events, ii) the Write_call event, and iii) the other Read_call event. Every data object execution will produce the characteristic write, followed by a set of reads, followed by another write, as the object goes through its sequence of versions.


An interface type may contain a behavior part that is an abstract definition of the behavior of conforming modules to the type. If a module is not supplied for a component of an interface type, a default module will be generated from this behavior part. The behavior part of an interface consists of a set of types, objects, and transition rules. The objects model abstract state, and the transition rules specify how modules of the interface type react to patterns of observed events by changing their states and generating events. State transition rules are simple, finite state machine--like constructs that are more declarative than the procedural module generators.

The syntax for module generators is:

behavior ::=
  [ declaration_list ] begin { state_transition_rule }

state_transition_rule ::=
  [ pholder_decl_list ] pattern op body `;'

op ::=
  `=>' | `||>'

body ::=
  [ { statement } ] [ poset_generator `;' ]

poset_generator ::= restricted_pattern
A state transition rule consists of an optional list of placeholder declarations followed by a pattern, an op symbol, and a body. The pattern found on the left side of the op symbol is called the state transition rule's trigger. A transition rule defined using the => op symbol is called a pipe, and one defined using the ||> op symbol is called an agent.

A body consists of an optional set of statements followed by an optional restricted pattern that describes a set of posets (called a poset generator). The scope of the outermost placeholder declarations in the trigger extends throughout the body.

The default module is generated from an interface behavior via a fairly straight--forward translation with only minor semantic changes. Each state transition rule is translated into a repeating process that awaits the generation of a match for the trigger, and executes the body. As a generated module's processes execute, they are synchronized such that only one process may trigger and execute at a time. To determine which process to trigger, all of the matches for all of the pattern triggers are collected from the processes pools of available, observed events, and the first, earliest, maximal match (with that priority) is chosen (see the Section on triggers). Once an event participates in the triggering of a process (state transition rule), it becomes unavailable to that process, but will remain available to all of the others. Thus, an event may take part in triggering a given rule at most once, although it may participate in triggering several rules.

An action call statement in the body of a transition rule may include the in timing clause, but not the other timing clauses. A further restriction is that the pattern in the body may not contain the <=> operator.

For example,

  val   : var Data;
  ver   : var Integer := 0;
  Read  : function() return Data is
              return $val;
          end function Read;
  Write : function(value : Data) is
            begin            val := value;
              ver := $ver + 1;
          end function Write;
  Start =>
    if not ( init.Is_Nil() ) then
      val := $init;
    end if;;

  Read_call ||>
    Read(Action_t,$val,$ver) <=> Read_retn($val);;

  (?v : Data) [* rel ~] Read_retn ~ Write_call(?v) =>
    val := ?v;
    ver := $ver + 1;
    Write(Action_t,$val,$ver,False) <=> Write_retn();;
An Execution of a Module Constructed from the Behavior.
Figure 10: An Execution of a Module Constructed from the Behavior.


A good constraint language is a powerful specification weapon, particularly when supported by useable and efficient tools. In developing distributed systems to meet given requirements, a first step is a capability to specify intended behavior. Constraints may involve very simple assertions about the input and output values of a function or complex results of scenarios of activity between communicating, but independently executing, systems of objects. Typically the latter might be communication protocols that are part of the specification of reliability, security, or time--critical requirements. A good constraint language must be able to express these various kinds of specifications.

In the case of distributed systems, constraints on causal event histories provide a powerful new kind of specification language. We argue, in fact, that this kind of specification language is necessary for expressing detailed requirements on distributed object systems. Prior experience with the Rapide constraint language has shown that constraint checking tools are effective and necessary in analyzing complex simulations for properties that are often too complex for the human viewer. Constraints may be utilized either to specify the behavior of single components, in which case they are part of interface definitions, or they can specify communication between objects, in which case they apply to architecture connections.

The behavior of Rapide program may be constrained by pattern constraints that are based upon pattern specifications. Pattern constraints denote the patterns of events and state that are acceptable and unacceptable.

Pattern constraints are satisfied by posets. If the poset is an instance of the pattern specification, the module's execution is said to satisfy the pattern specification.

Every pattern constraint is associated with a Rapide module and constrains only those events that were made available to it. For a pattern constraint occurring in an interface definition, each module of the interface must satisfy that constraint. For a pattern constraint occurring in a module generator, each module created by a call to the generator must satisfy the constraint.

Never Constraints

A never constraint defines a pattern that should never occur. The syntax of a never constraint is:
pattern_constraint ::=
  [ label ] never pattern `;'
No match of the given pattern should occur in the visible poset. If any such match exists, the constraint is violated.

Match Constraints

Match constraints are used to specify event patterns that should occur during the execution of a program. The syntax of a match constraint is:
pattern_constraint ::= 
  [ label ] match pattern `;'
A match constraint constrains a subset of the visible computation to match the given pattern. The computation constrained is all of the events associated with basic patterns occuring in the given pattern. This subcomputation must be an exact match of the pattern for the constraint to be satisfied.

Data Object Model Constraints

Several example constraints from the interface declared in the section on type constructors and implemented in the sections on module behaviors and module constructors) include:

The example below illustrates the never constraint. The constraint requires that two Write events whose initial parameters are true may not exist in an execution. This constraint expresses that a data object can only be initialized once.

never Write(initial is True) ~ Write(initial is True);
Read returns are not necessarily ordered, while write returns are totally ordered. This is because writes must create a new version that must be causally after the preceding version, while there is no such constraint on reads. Note: versions are generated in a sequence.
match [* rel ->] Write_retn;
A key property is that version numbers increase monotonically. Any two write returns must be causally ordered such that the version number of the dependent write return (?v2) must be greater than the version number of the preceding write return (?v1).
never (?v1, ?v2 : Integer)
  Write(version is ?v1) -> Write(version is ?v2)
  where ?v1 >= ?v2;
If initially each object starts with a version number of 1 and each write increments the version number by 1, then at the leading edge of any consistent cut in the computation, the object's version number will be equal to the number of writes of that object before that edge.
match Write(version is 1, initial is True)
  -> [* rel ->] Write;

match (?v : Integer)
  ( [* rel ->] Write -> Write(version is ?v) )
  <=> [?v rel ->] Write
Reads must return the last value written, and the versions must occur in sequences where a write occurs and is followed by any number of read returns that are followed by another version.
match [* rel ->] ((?d : Data)(?v : Integer)
  Write(?d,?v) -> [* rel ~] Read(?d,?v) );

Event Pattern Mappings

Event pattern mappings (or maps) provide a powerful mechanism for defining relationships among architectures. The main purpose for maps is to define how executions of one architecture may be interpreted as executions of another architecture. In many cases, there is quite a wide ranges of differences among how a system can be viewed architecturally. For example, when two architectures of a system are at different levels of abstraction, many events in one may correspond to just one event in the other (as is often the case in hierarchical design).

Patterns provide the necessary expressive power to define hierarchical as well as non--hierarchical kinds of mappings. More generally, a map can interpret the executions of several architectures taken together (called domains) as executions of another range architecture. A significant benefit from interpreting domain executions as range executions is that the range execution generated by a map must satisfy the constraints of the range.

Moreover, maps are composable; maps can be domain parameters in the definition of other maps. Thus, maps can be used as constraints on their domains and as domain parameters of other maps.

Map Generators

Maps are created by calling map generators. The syntax of a map generator is:
map_generator ::= 
  map identifier `(' [ formal_parameter_list ] `)'
   from domain_list
   to range
    { declaration } [ constraint { constraint } ]
    { agent_state_transition_rule }
  end [ map ] [ name ] `;'

agent_state_transition_rule ::=
  pattern `||>' { state_assignment } [ poset_generator ] `;'
The actual parameters of a map generator invocation must correspond to the formal parameters of the map generator. These parameters serve the same purpose as formal parameters of function calls, to pass data values to the map generator. The data values passed are intended to be non--active modules, i.e., modules that neither receive nor generate events.

While formal parameters are used to pass non--active modules, the list of domain indicators is used to pass active modules or maps. If the domain indicator is a type expression, then the actual domain must be a module (or map) whose interface type (or range type) must be a subtype of the domain indicator's type. If the domain indicator is a module generator name, then the actual domain must be a module generated from that module generator or a map whose range indicator is the same module generator.

Note: a map is not a module of its range interface type. It can't be connected to other components, and inputs can't be passed to it through the range. You can only pass in inputs to a map from its domain level. Maps do not react to events coming in from the range, only reacts from activity in the domain.

Since there are no real range constituents in a map, there is not an explicit range constituents' state. The map must provide the state by defining of constituents with the same name of the same type inside the map. If the constraints need values from a range constituent's state, the map will return the corresponding state from within the map.

Declaration of the range may be repeated in the map declarations. Maps may declare objects, and such objects are called state components. A map generator has visibility to the declarations in the interfaces of its domains and range, as well as the internal declarations of the module generators if the module generator name is the domain indicators. It can therefore name the actions of the interfaces of the domains and range as well as actions of their components.

Transition Rules

The principle feature of maps is the agent state transition rules that also occurs in interface behavior parts. The agent state transition rule provides the necessary expressive power needed to define correspondences between architectures. Each rule observes patterns of events in the domains, triggers on them, and generates a poset in the range. The range poset could be a possible behavior of the range archicture, but it is not required to be. It is generated solely by the map rather than by any execution of the range architecture.

The events that are made available to the map are as follows. If an actual domain of the map corresponds to an indicator that is a type expression, then the map observes the events of the requires and provides parts (but not a behavior part) of the domain's interface. If an actual domain of the map corresponds to an indicator that is a module generator, then the map observes the events generated in the domain if that event is generated by a call to an action or function of the domain's interface or its components' interfaces -- again only the requires and provides parts (not behavior part). If the actual domain is a map, then the map observes all events generated by the domain. Thus, a map can see inside (one level) of its domain objects, and all the way down inside another map.

The range actions called are limited to those in the range's interface type. That is, a map may call provides, requires and private actions of the range interface type, as well as provides, requires and private actions of modules declared in the range interface type. Maps may also explicitly call the implicitly declared call and return actions of functions.

Induced Dependencies

A natural question to ask is whether there are any dependencies between: i) the events produced in the range, and ii) between domain events and range events. The answer to the second question is no. Events of the range poset are causally independent to events of the domain poset. And for the answer to the former question, the range events generated by each triggering of a map rule have at least the dependency order defined by the poset generator in the body of the map's agent state transition rule. Additionally, events generated by separate triggerings of the rules can have a dependency order defined in terms of the dependencies between the domain events that triggered the rules. This is called an induced dependency; dependencies among events of the range poset are induced from the dependencies among the events of the domain poset.

The Rapide programmer has a choice among several induced orderings as defined below: For all events e, f generated in the range of some map, f depend upon e if and only if i) e and f were generated by the same rule, by the same triggering, and the poset generator in the body of the agent state transition rule specified f to depend upon e, or ii) T \induce U, where T is the domain poset that triggered e and U similarly triggered f. The following are the definitions of \induce that users may choose from:

An event a that is a member of poset P is in the maxima of P if and only if there isn't another event b that is also a member of P and causally precedes a,

Conformance to Range Constraints

The range poset generated by a map must satisfy the map's constraints that are derived from the range's constraints. If the range indicator is an interface type, the map's constraints will include that interface's constraints, and if the range indicator is a module generator name, the map's constraints include both the constraints in the interface type and in the module generator's body.

Maps are intended to be used as an architecture analysis tool. An applications of maps has been to runtime compare an architecture with a standard (or reference) architecture. Comparison of architectures is accomplished by mapping the posets of the domain architecture(s) into behaviors of the range architecture and checking them for consistency with the constraints of the range architecture. Maps have also been established to reduce the complexity of large simulations by mapping posets of events in a detailed low--level simulation into single events in a higher level simulation.

When a hierarchical design methodology is used to develop a low level detailed architecture from a highly abstract specification, maps relating architectures at successive levels of abstraction can be composed transitively to define maps across several levels. Maps support consistency checking of architectures at different levels in a design hierarchy, and automated runtime comparison of an architecture with a standard (or reference) architecture.

Comparison of architectures is accomplished by mapping the behaviors of the domain architecture(s) into behaviors of the range architecture and checking them for consistency with the constraints of the range architecture.


There are several tools to assist programmers who are using Rapide. The tools include an architecture editor, a compiler, a constraint checking runtime system, a graphical poset browser, and an animation facilities for producing, viewing, and animating posets generated by Rapide computations.

Raparch -- The Rapide Architecture Editor

A tool for editing Rapide architectures graphically. Boxes and lines may be drawn and edited which corresponds to modules and connections in the architecture of a Rapide program. The resulting architecture layout can be saved two ways. First, saved to a Rapide source file that can be compiled and executed. Second, saved to an architecture file that can animate the results of an execution.

Compiler (Rpdc)

The compiler parses Rapide source code, reports syntax and semantic errors, and generates an executable. Executing the executable will generate a log file that is the event log of the computation. Other programs (most notably the Pov) can be used to view the poset of the computation.

Note: This tool is actually a translator that rewrites Rapide source into C++.

Constraint Checking Runtime System (RTS)

Constraint checking runtime system handles the resource allocation during program execution as well as verifying that the computation produced does not violate the constraints of the model.

Pov - Partial Order (poset) Viewer for Rapide Computations

Pov is a tool for graphically browsing the partially ordered event traces generated by Rapide executables.

Raptor - The Rapide Simulation Animator

Animation is the depiction of a system's activities on a picture of the system. Movement of messages on a box and arrows diagram is a common animation style. Different graphical animation styles are appropriate for different systems.

Animation is an aid to human understanding. It is a powerful tool in architecture prototyping. Often, in our experience with Rapide, animation of a simulation provides the easiest way for a user to assess what a system is doing. Only then is it possible to embark on a more formal process to modify the system, express constraints on its behavior, and so on. Also, animation of distributed systems is aided by causal histories, because the causal dependencies between events imply simple rules about the order in which events should be depicted to give an accurate animation.

The current simulation Rapide animator, called Raptor, consists of an active architecture-graphical event player that produces cartooned scenarios of a program execution. It provides a powerful demonstration facility to illustrate and communicate executions of the architecture. The event player depicts the architecture (currently statically) and gives a picture of who can communicate with whom. The tool is active in the sense that it is able to play back an execution of a program. It has been developed with an interface to causal event histories generated from any system, not only the Rapide simulator.


raptor [options] [-a architecture-file] [log-file]


log-file If a log file name is given on the command line, that log file is read in and animated.  Otherwise, raptor starts by depicting the architecture and awaits further instructions. log-file is a file produced by executing a Rapide executable.-A Tells raptor to apply all aliases (MODULE_ALIASES and EVENT_ALIASES, See section Animation Control Commands) in turn rather then stopping after the first match.

-C Tells raptor not to check the architecture file for semantic errors. The use of this option may cause raptor to be (more) unstable.

-D This option generates copious amounts of debuging info. Primarily of interest to developers.

-I filename This option instructs raptor to write the name of its tcl interpreter into file filename. See Section Raptor API for the use of this option.

-M X_display This option instructs raptor to connect to the computation manager running on the X display X_display. If multiple computation managers are running on that display than an aribitary one of them is chosen.

-N Tells raptor to NOT apply its heuristic techniques for determining sources and destinations of events. These heuristics are necessary for Rapide computations but are not necessarily needed for computations from other sources.

-S This option tells raptor not to instruct pov to display only the subset of events which will be animated. By default, that instruction is given.

-W This is an experimental option. It adjusts raptor's huristic for dealing with Rapide computations in such a way that if for favorable to computations which have fan-out basic connections but less favorable to computations which have chains of basic connections spanning hierarchy levels.

-Y This option tells raptor to show the time an event was generated. If the duration of the event is non-zero it is also shown. By default neither is shown. This option used to be -t and will be again when things get better.

-Z archname,zoomfactor Set the initial zoom level of the architecture archname to zoomfactor Multiple -Z options can be used to adjust the main and sub architectures. Note the use of the comma character as a separator.

-a architecture-file If an architecture-file is specified with this option, it is used as the definition of the archi- tecture. Otherwise, the archtecture file should be specified through the main menu.

-b Tells raptor to traverse the computation in a breadth first order.

-c value This option tells raptor how many steps to put between concurrent events. The default value is 25.

-p This option tells raptor to show the data parame- ters of events. By default they are not shown. This condition may also be toggled via the Options menu. See also the EVENT_PARAMETERS variable below.

-q This option instructs raptor to automatically terminate after animating a log file. This option is useful in scripted demos and is used in our regression testing mechanism.

-v Tells raptor to be verbose in describing where it is accessing files from. This is useful in debug- ing configuration problems.

-z value This option tell raptor at what speed to move the event boxs between modules. The value is expected to range from 0 (which, suprising is the fastest speed) to 500 (which is the slowest speed). The default value is 250. Just between you and me, the speed value is really the number of discrete steps the event box takes moving between modules.